The Detoxification of Bast

I recently read the book, The Hundred -Year Lie, by Randall Fitzgerald. It was a pretty scary read. What caught my attention first was his statement that "We absorb so many synthetic chemicals during an average lifetime that, according to some reports, when we die our bodies decompose more slowly today than if we died just three decades ago."

Yikes. He then goes on to explain the explosion of synthetic chemicals that have been added to our diet via food additives, as well as the distinct lack of any goverment testing on said chemicals. There are so many, they simply can't keep up. And they certainly cannot test for what happens when two checmicals combine - chemical synergies, they are called. And that doesn't even take into account the environmental dangers, like plastics, chlorine and fluoride in our water, and pesticides. Double yikes.

So I decided to embark on my own detoxification regime. I started with a normal cleanse, picked up from my local health food store. Then I added the following:

1) Infrared saunas - they create less heat, but more sweating.
2) Stevia - I am now using this natural sweetener, instead of refined sugar or Splenda.
3) Shower filter - I purchased a filter that take out much of the chlorine from my shower water.
4) Plastic containers - banished from my kitchen, as is Saran wrap.
5) Supplements - especially flax, Vitamin C, D, folic acid and the odd Oil of Oregano drops.
6) Organic food - trying to buy (afford) more, especially meat.

It's a start. I would like to transition my wardrobe to natural fibres too, but apparently I am too much of a slave to fashion. Ah well, at least my bed is 85% natural latex, with wool and silk padding. The cat also uses a natural, wheat-based biodegradeable litter. So even she's trying.

I'll keep you posted on how this pans out. It is definitely a journey worth making.


Turtle Guy said…
Brava! Your efforts please me. I haven't had 'refined sugar' in my coffee for years - then again, not all coffees are organic, are they!

What makes me stop and think is every time I pass by the detergent aisle at the store and smell the chemicals THROUGH their cardboard and even plastic containers.
Sean Carmody said…
4. would be hard in our household, which is something of a shrine to tupperware!
Sarah Elaine said…
Where do you buy Stevia?

Banished plastic from your kitchen, eh? So... if I bring you some cookies, what will I put them in? I could put them on a plate, but then I'd have to cover them in Saran wrap. D'oh.

And... latex is natural?? Who knew! I say, let's find reasons to use more latex.

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